The college semester has taken an [strike]un[/strike]expected turn for cramming a ton of work into a very small amount of time. Makes sense given we're getting close to the end and Thanksgiving break is next week, but regardless I didn't anticipate how much time it would take away from working on updates for Dead Estate. This patch is pretty overdue given that in the last couple posts I mentioned wanting to get one or two of these out every week, so sorry about that! School ended up pulling me away from this for longer than I expected: [b][h3]! NEW FEATURES, CHANGES, AND FIXES BELOW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR GAME CONTENT ![/h3][/b] [b]CHANGES AND ADJUSTMENTS[/b] - You can now switch between weapons using the mouse scroll wheel - Very slightly increased the chance to obtain ammo from killing enemies - Buffed the ammo drop % chance increase from "Aura of Ammunition" - Reduced the amount of money obtained from destroying weapons - Lowered the price of "Old Reel" - Lowered the price of "Breezepods" - "Resume" is now selected by default when pausing while on a gamepad - Made the teleporting animation faster [b]FIXES[/b] - Changed the description of the "Midas" medal to be more accurate (it used to displayed 5+ golden pots as the requirement when it should've said 10) - Changed the description of the "Speedrunner" medal on Steam to be more accurate (used to display 15 minutes when the requirement was 20) - Your current amount of money is now saved when your runs are auto-saved - Maximum weapon count is also saved now (affected by items like "Holster") - ...And your maximum jump count is also saved (affected by items like the "Magic Carpet") - The Chainsaw is now properly classified as a melee weapon and is affected by melee upgrades - Fixed a bug where the "Sugar" item would not properly halve your HP There's not much in this patch, but rest assured that we're still working on the [u][b]big [strike]January[/strike] Q1 2022 content update[/b][/u] that I've mentioned before. It's gonna be awesome. In the meantime, I'm still gonna try to put out these small patches semi-regularly. Again, thank you all for your patience!