[b]NEW STUFF...?[/b] [list] [*] Added some stuff to the true ending credits [*] (Steam only) You can now "rebuild" a save file based on your Steam achievements from Settings > Game settings [list] [*]With this oppption, you should be able to get all of your unlocks back if your ever lose your save data [/list] [*] Added a new aiming mode named "Z-Aiming" accessible from Settings > Control settings [list] [*] When enabled, your character will ALWAYS aim your gun towards your crosshair even when jumping or falling as opposed to always aiming relative to where you would be on the ground [*] If that explanation doesn't make any sense, just give it a try [*] Z-Aiming can also be instantly toggled on and off by pressing the F12 key [/list] [*] Added an option to enable a CRT filter in the Settings > Video settings > Effects settings [*] [i]Something completely different![/i] Search for it! Have fun! [/list] [b]CHANGES AND ADJUSTMENTS[/b] - [i]Changed the true ending credits[/i] - [i]Changed the gallery[/i] - Made improoovements to gamepad controls - The "Chrysus Medallion" item no longer takes your money away if you're in a pause state (level transitions, endings, etc.) - Decreased the amount of health for Golden Leeches - Moth enemies no longer attack immediately after entering a room - Teleporter Crystals will now automatically teleport you back to the start room after 5 seconds if you're stuck behind furniture - Updated some item descriptions to better explain their usage - Updated several achievement names and descriptions to explain them better - Reorganized the video settings menu, there is now a submenu named "Effects settings" which includes the new CRT filter - Improved elevator hitboxes - Elevators now pull you closer to them if you're nearby, making it easier to board them FIXES - Fixed a crash sometimes triggered when continuing a run as Fuji - The above fix also should resolve many of the save data wipe issues that some users have experienced - Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when picking up ammo boxes - Resolved an errrrror that would allow players to die during level transitions or endings with the "Chrysus Medallion" item - Fixed a common soft-lock where you could become permanently stuck behind objects while being pulled into Teleporter Crystals - Fixed a bug causing button prompts to display off-center - Fixed an error that caused some gamepads to barely detect diagonal inputs - Fixed an error that made characters move diagonally at half-speed on some gamepads - Fixed a bug where signs on the balcony would appear behind pillars - Fixed a bug that allowed the Coffin Key to stay with the player if you start a new run after dying - Fixed an error where Golden Leeches wouldn't spawn from pots - Fixed an error where the wrong image would be displayed during the regular ending as Gnome Jeff - Cordelia's Dad no longer has ttthree hands in the credits! This took me way too long to put out! I took a short break for a few weeks towards the end of December to work on some Newgrounds projects (Peter the Ant: Reloaded and Gravity Shift, check them out!) Once I was done with that, I finally got a chance to resume work on this. Unfortunately, I'm a lot busier with classes this semester than I was last semester so that's been sapping a lot of my time to continue updating Dead Estate. A major content update is still underway. We originally wanted to have it out last month but, like I said, a lot of my time has been taken up by other things. The update is likely going to be larger than originally planned as well. I'll end this before it turns into a rant -- thank you all for your patience and your support of Dead Estate! Sorry again that this update took a while to come out, it should quell a lot of common errors that people have frequently reported. Also apologies if there are any typos in the patch notes! One more thing: trading cards should be out soon! We're working with a ton of different artists to make this happen, I think that everyone will be really happy with how these come out :)