One full year after the initial free release over on Newgrounds, we have the full refined, expanded, and improved version of [b]Dead Estate[/b] ready to play! We have been adding to and improving the game on a daily basis, and that won't stop now! There is already a running list of minor additions we'd like to make. And the list of new Weapons + Items to be patched in continues to grow. We're so proud of the game in it's current state - but it'll only get better each and every day! We recommend [i]keyboard + mouse[/i] while we further refine the gamepad support. But if you do choose that option, be sure to check out the [u]gamepad customization settings[/u] to fine tune it to fit your own preferences. We welcome and encourage everyone to try the game's free demo first! See if it fits well with your preferences - and feel free to share any thoughts you might have here or in Steam discussions, so that we could potentially apply that to the full game :) Your feedback and engagement has taken us this far. And we can't wait to carry it even further from here! [previewyoutube=XTlFrtkz6Tw;full][/previewyoutube]