Thank you all for putting up with how long this patch took to come out! This'll probably be the last patch until Halloween, which is gonna be a small content update. It's less than a week away, so look forward to that! [b]! NEW FEATURES, CHANGES, AND FIXES BELOW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR GAME CONTENT ![/b] [b]CHANGES AND ADJUSTMENTS[/b] - Fuji is no longer the most broken character in existence -- Weapons created using the blacksmith anvil do not have weapon destruction effects granted by other items -- Fuji (or any other character with "prohibited" weapon types like Digby) cannot infinitely create weapons using the blacksmith anvil anymore - Hearts and ammo boxes now stick around if you exit a room and come back, BUT they're also on a 30 second timer now -- Coins also work the same way now, but their timer is still the same as usual - All on-screen projectiles are now destroyed upon defeating Chunks during the last fight - Lowered the volume of Cordelia's magic projectiles - Increased Diavola's HP (both phases) - Added a teleporter room to alt. floor 4 - Made heart drops more noticeable [b]FIXES[/b] - Fixed a crash that would occur when you would quit the game while being chased by Chunks - Fixed a crash where the game would occasionally permanently freeze while generating levels - Fixed a softlock caused by killing bosses before they appear on-screen - Fixed a softlock that would cause a cutscene to indefinitely loop after defeating Diavola - Fixed a bug which would result in an error screen upon opening the game if your settings file is blank - Resolved a softlock in floor 4 that would occur when you leave a room with enemies created from pods in it and then re-enter - Damage numbers dealt to the player no longer appear to be "inflated" (i.e. "-1" as intended instead of "-10") - Fixed a bug where alt. floor elevators would sometimes not spawn - Fixed some typos