[b][i]! NEW FEATURES, CHANGES, AND FIXES BELOW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR GAME CONTENT ![/i][/b] [b]NEW FEATURES[/b] - You can take screenshots of the game on Steam now! [b]CHANGES AND ADJUSTMENTS[/b] - When using a gamepad, releasing the right thumbstick will make the crosshair spring slightly back towards the player - Gamepads now use dedicated confirm/deny buttons for menus (A and B respectively on Xbox controllers) - Selecting a character on a gamepad will now move you straight to the play button - Damage text popups now display damage values multiplied by ten for clarity on how much damage you're actually doing - Adjusted sound effects so damage sounds are quieter and gunshots are slightly louder - Increased the amount of health enemies gain on loops (+80% HP per loop) - Shop prices now double every loop - Standing area hitbox for elevators is now slightly larger - Shadows are now slightly darker and more noticable for aerial projectiles - Collecting hearts while at full HP gives you $20 - Item boxes now give you less resistance when walking into them - The "Old Reel" item's description now makes the item's effect more clear - Changed the way the "Bloodthirst" item works: it now absorbs flying blood particles that give you money rather than pools of blood - Nerfed "Special Rounds" to only give a +30% damage boost rather than a +50% damage boost [b]FIXES[/b] - Fixed a crash caused by defeating the true final boss with the "Smashed Pumpkin" item - Fixed a bug where Chunks would create massive, unavoidable waves of projectiles when doing his stomp attack while stunned - Big Hearts on the third floor are now layered correctly and won't appear in front of/above everything else on-screen - The "Breeze Pods" item's effect now works properly - Fixed a softlock related to the boss of the alternate third floor - Cordelia no longer activates challenge room boxes just by walking underneath them - Cordelia shop dialogue is no longer present when you enter a shop with the "Witch-B-Gone" item - Fixed a couple typos