[h2][b]MAGENTA HORIZON[/b][/h2] [b]Magenta Horizon[/b] is a fast-paced 2D action platformer game that is heavily inspired by the Spectacle Fighter genre. Playing as a [i]Reaper[/i] of the twisted purgatorial afterlife, push your skills to the limit to destroy the hordes of demons and epic bosses to reach your destination. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2109060/Magenta_Horizon/ Please be sure to [u]WISHLIST[/u]. It helps us out [i]immensely[/i]!! AND [b]Dead Estate owners[/b] will be getting a [b]bundled discount[/b] you won't want to miss. [h2]FEATURES[/h2] [list] [*]Flexible and free combat system [*]Spectacle fighter inspired combos and highscores [*]Unique and often over-the-top boss battles [*]Prog rock album cover artstyle [*]Heavy metal soundtrack [*][b]All by solo developer Maddison Baek[/b] [/list] [h2][url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2109060/view/3711573961535595351]CONTEST[/url][/h2] You have [b]1 week[/b] to participate in a contest to win a free copy of [b]Magenta Horizon[/b]! You need to complete and post a highscore, playing a specific Stage in the Demo. The full details on how to enter can be[url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2109060/view/3711573961535595351] found here[/url]. Good luck! [previewyoutube=UBn87-WmuPQ;full][/previewyoutube]