You might recall that on the update road map we shared a while ago it said that update #5 would be out in spring 2023 and #6 would be out in summer. Somewhere along the way, we changed #5 to have a summer release as well. Obviously, neither of these releases ended up happening. Don't worry though, we're still working on them. The main reason for the delay is that update #5 ballooned in size significantly from our initial plans. Originally, update #5 was just going to add twelve special challenge modes to the game which would add some major twists to how you normally play the game. Completing each of these challenges would unlock something I don't wanna spoil here. Around April or May, however, we had an idea for one of the twelve challenges which I pretty quickly went overboard with planning. This one particular challenge mode (and calling it that at this point isn't really doing it enough justice, it's closer to a side campaign) now pretty much dwarfs the other eleven challenges combined. I don't really want to reveal what all that entails, but if you follow the Milkbar Lads or my own account on Twitter you might be able to get a good idea of what we're going for. I'd prefer to keep it a surprise, though. Update #6 has also always been planned to be the largest update in the series, so that will likely take a substantial amount of time as well. At this point in time, I would say that update #5 is between 60 and 70% done, but I don't want to attach a possible release date to it until I can say for certain when we can expect it to be totally complete. I will say that it's almost guaranteed that update #5 will be out before the end of the year, but beyond that, I can't say an exact date or time for certain. In any case, I don't wanna end this post without a little teaser for update #5, so here's some art that I created specifically for the one particular challenge I mentioned earlier. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] I think what we're adding in the next update is easily the coolest thing we've added to the game so far, so I'm really excited that we're gonna finally be able to share it with you guys soon. [i]-Jack[/i] [h3]MORE ROGUELIKE UPDATES?[/h3] Another roguelike title from 2 Left Thumbs, [b]WizardChess[/b], recently had a massive update! This strategic, chess-based, deckbuilding roguelike now has high replayability than ever before. Don't forget to add it to your Wishlists - or claim a discount as a Dead Estate owner with the [url=]We Like Roguelikes Bundle[/url]!