[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/cc368f8a4f87a5388d2f32b72fe05ba6c805c7c5.png[/img] It's been almost five months since Assignment Anya now and I'm sure that at least a few of you are wondering what the status is on the final update which we first promised in August of 2022. Originally, we gave that update an estimated release period of summer 2023, which we've obviously blown waaaay past now due to how much the previous update ballooned in size. Finally, we're prepared to share some info about this long-delayed update. I'm not going to offer an [i]exact [/i]release date for the update as I think that'd be jumping the gun, but I CAN say that at the moment, our work on the update is somewhere between halfway and two-thirds of the way complete. [b]We're closer to being finished than not.[/b] The college semester also just wrapped up and I'm graduated now (yippee) so, being the game's sole programmer, I've got a lot more free time now and I'll be able to pick up the pace a little. If I had to guess, I'd say the update will release in late Q3 or early Q4. Nothing is set in stone, though. I understand a lot of players wanted something more connected to the core game from the fifth update so I'm pleased to say that's been the main focus of the final update since conception. I don't want to get into extensive detail about what we're adding, but I believe that players are gonna be VERY happy when they finally find out and it'll answer some big questions that were raised back in the first couple updates. It's hard writing a post like this when I want so much of the update to stay a surprise, but I do feel like you all deserve to know where we're at -- I've kept everyone waiting for months, after all. (Also, rest assured that this update is gonna be free for everyone who owns the game just like all the prior updates. We're not gonna switch to paid DLC just because of the substantial size of the update.) Update aside, there's a couple other Dead Estate-related things we've been working on in the background. Some of those are things I won't be able to comment on until (probably a lot) later. One of those things, however, is [url=https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/929804]Dead Estate Dressup 2! You can play it right now for free on Newgrounds![/url] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/c7938022d995770c4c54e8591a667d033b67ac39.png[/img] [u][h3]RACK AND SLAY[/h3][/u] Your friendly neighbourhood Publisher here, Graeme! The next game from [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/2leftthumbs]2 Left Thumbs[/url] is the roguelike billiards-based dungeon crawler: [b]Rack and Slay[/b]! The game will launch in just [u]2 weeks[/u] - and an extensive demo is available NOW. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2311990/Rack_and_Slay/ [b]Rack and Slay[/b] will launch for just [u]$6[/u] ([i]before[/i] the planned launch discount!) So be sure to add it to your [b]Wishlist[/b] so you don't miss out on a new banger roguelike!