[h3]OPTIMIZATION[/h3] Following a few crash ports on v1.3, and [i]many more[/i] after v1.4, Jack has been hard at work looking for solutions to further optimize the game and improve overall stability. We believe a very meaningful step forward has now been taken with v1.4.3! A new means of compiling the game means it should now perform [b]MUCH better[/b]!! This is a fairly substantial change, so we want to test it thoroughly before pushing it out to the main branch. [h3]ACCESSING THE BETA[/h3] Accessing the public beta branch is simple as can be and only takes a few steps: [olist] [*] Find the game in your Steam library, right-click it, and select "Properties..." [*] From the menu on the left of the new window, select "BETAS." [*] Click the dropdown menu underneath where it says "Select the beta you would like to opt into", select "public_beta - Public beta." [*] Wait for the game to complete updating. [*] Launch the game! [/olist] [h3]BUG REPORTING[/h3] While this is potentially a massive overall improvement to the game, it is likely to expose all new bugs in the code that have otherwise worked through the previous exporting methods. I have created a new thread that is specific to [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1484720/discussions/0/3772364735644106857/]bug reporting for v1.4.3[/url]. Please share any problems you encounter there - and we'll be racing towards a new and improved [b]Dead Estate[/b], that should run better than ever before! ------ [h3]MORE COOL GAMES?[/h3] While I have you here, please consider checking out [b]Project Malice[/b]! A action roguelike shooter from our friend AploveStudio. Fans of Dead Estate are bound to love this one too! An isometric roguelike third-person shooter about a ruined Earth and the unending chaos engulfing it. Fight hordes of the infected, gather loot, make allies, traverse spacetime, and venture into the depths of what we could've prevented. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2157060/Project_Malice/