This isn't a full patch log or anything, but I wanted to explain what's been changed in some of the recent patches (mainly 1.4.1 up to 1.4.5b, the current version). Between some bug fixes here and there, the main reason for these patches has been to overhaul level generation. In previous versions of the game, there have been some reports of the game freezing during level transitions. These reports only became more frequent with some of the recent content updates that added new room types to each floor. Truth be told, the game's level generation has barely changed or been improved going from its original Newgrounds release in October 2020 until now. A few weeks ago, in order to address the freeze/crash reports, I completely rewrote how levels are built and it should be a lot faster and freeze-free now. Being a brand-new system, it still has some flaws I've gotta buff out, but that's what I've been doing with the last few patches: making slight adjustments and tweaks to get the new level gen system as close to perfect as it could possibly be. For example, starting from version 1.4.4 there were some reports of "impossible" floors spawning with no way to access the boss or key rooms. Just yesterday, I addressed this with version 1.4.5. There'll likely be some more small patches like this to further improve level generation, but it's unlikely that I'll post patch notes for each individual one since a lot of the changes I'm making are basically imperceptible. Besides that, we've started working on the next major content update and will reveal it pretty soon :)