[h2][b]3 YEARS[/b][/h2] A little over [b]3 years[/b] ago, I announced publicly that [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/2leftthumbs]2 Left Thumbs[/url] would be entering the indie game scene as a publisher, helping to bring [b]Dead Estate[/b] to Steam! Never could I have guess what a smash hit this game would be. Using that as a proper jumping off point, I worked hard to find promising new indies in need of some extra support. And as of today, there are [u]8 released titles[/u] in that catalog, with many more to come! It's my greatest privilege to be able to herald these great developers and their games, and to help them reach new audiences. [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/2leftthumbs][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/4a5e2f43b54e8f0bd726c8911b37481307ca9542.jpg[/img][/url] [h2][b]PUBLISHER SALE[/b][/h2] To celebrate this amazing milestone, the entire 2 Left Thumbs catalog is discounted! Several games are running their deepest ever discounts, while [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2088840/Picayune_Dreams/]Picayune Dreams[/url] is running it's first ever sale! If you want to REALLY show your support, the Micro-Publisher Mega-Supporter Bundle offers ALL these games together with an [i]additional[/i] [u][b]25% off[/b][/u]!! https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33000/MicroPublisher_MegaSupporter/ [h2][b]BUNDLES[/b][/h2] If [i]everything[/i] together is a bit much, I understand. There are a variety of bundles being run during this sale, designed to group together games I predict will have overlapping audiences. Every bundle is a "Complete the bundle" style, meaning even if you own 1+ of the games, you can still buy the bundle for an additional discount [i]without[/i] re-purchasing the game(s) you already own!! [h3][b]Shades of Purple Action Bundle[/b][/h3] Dead Estate + Magenta Horizon https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/32852/Shades_of_Purple_Action_Bundle/ [h3][b]Interplanetary Action Roguelike Variety Pack[/b][/h3] Paper Planet + Picayune Dreams + Schism https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/37136/Interplanetary_Action_Roguelike_Variety_Pack/ [h3][b]We Like Roguelikes[/b][/h3] Dead Estate + WizardChess + Paper Planet + Picayune Dreams + Schism https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/34319/We_Like_Roguelikes/