[b][h2]PICAYUNE DREAMS[/h2][/b] A new surrealist action roguelike, published by 2 Left Thumbs, has it's first public demo! Similar to [b]Dead Estate[/b], this game is made by some of the top talent on [url=https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/871679]Newgrounds[/url]. You can also play a web build over there to celebrate [url=https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1518831]Pixel Day[/url]! And consider entering the Picayune Dreams [url=https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1518865]ART CONTEST[/url] to win cash prizes! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2088840/Picayune_Dreams/ [b]INFLUENCES:[/b] [list] [*]Bullet heaven gameplay ([i]Vampire Survivors[/i]) [*]Bullet hell bosses ([i]Touhou[/i]) [*]Gear + power scaling ([i]Diablo[/i]) [*]Surrealist interdimensional aesthetics ([i]Yume Nikki[/i]) [*]Hard-hitting breakcore soundtrack ([url=https://milkypossum.bandcamp.com/album/picayune-dreams-volume-1]Milkypossum[/url] is incomparable. This is ALL her!) [*] [i]secrets...[/i] [/list] [previewyoutube=Uhm7QZHttHM;full][/previewyoutube] Please give the Demo a try. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Be sure to add it to your Steam [u][b]Wishlist[/b][/u] if you enjoyed it!