This one is just a little patch to fix some stuff I missed in the big one that I posted earlier. - Added an option to toggle v-sync on and off in the video settings menu. It's set to off by default (although it was enabled by default in the previous patch). - Fixed an issue where the game still wasn't displaying properly on ultra-widescreen displays. Enabling v-sync should give you a small performance boost in most cases, although there are some hardware situations where it can actually worsen your performance. I enabled v-sync by default in the previous patch (and completely forgot to add an option to toggle it) and that seemed to cause issues for some people. [b]If you experienced low framerates in the previous patch, this may have been the reason why.[/b] Now it's disabled by default and you can toggle it on and off at your own discretion, so that mistake has been corrected. I'm away on vacation for the next week, so this will probably be the last patch for a little bit. Happy New Year!