[h3]LEVELS OPTIMIZATION[/h3] The recent series of updates [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1484720/view/3657522524830660335]dropping after v1.4[/url] have been massively important for the game's long term performance as it continues to be expanded upon. However, it felt like every time one hole was plugged up, another sprung a leak. Most recently, level generation became the most common point when player's games would freeze, Jack decided to [i]fully[/i] rebuild how maps were generated (v1.4.4)!! This has greatly improved performance. BUT several level-layout "rules" became broken through this rebuild. These errors in level generation were leading to impossible layouts, wonky room patterns, and several [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1484720/discussions/0/3782498683134331054/]other bugs[/url]. [h3]v1.4.5 BETA[/h3] After this update, you should be experiencing fast load times, fewer freezes (hopefully 0 freezes, but please report [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1484720/discussions/0/3772364315545526221/]here if you do[/url]), and no more broken map layouts! But we're going to need your help testing it. You have our deepest apologies for a rocky window of development. We cannot thank you all enough for your patience with us, and for [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1484720/discussions/0/3772364735644106857/]reporting bugs[/url] with such diligence and accuracy! That assistance has taken us this far - and we'll be sure to repay that generosity in kind!! [h3]ACCESSING THE BETA[/h3] Accessing the public beta branch is simple as can be and only takes a few steps: [olist] [*] Find the game in your Steam library, right-click it, and select "Properties..." [*] From the menu on the left of the new window, select "BETAS." [*] Click the dropdown menu underneath where it says "Select the beta you would like to opt into", select "public_beta - Public beta." [*] Wait for the game to complete updating. [*] Launch the game! [/olist] ------ [h3]MORE COOL GAMES?[/h3] Love achieving insanely overpowered builds in Dead Estate? Do you carry a deep nostalgia for Flash games? Do you enjoy expansive and free demos that you can easily put dozens of hours into? Then you'd better check out [b]Paper Planet[/b] from Doodlegames! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1504250/Paper_Planet/