[b]Schism[/b] is a challenging roguelite action RPG with guns, gods, leveling, and frequency-switching action. The combination of deep leveling and stat systems, full gun customization, deity worship, intense bullet hell combat, and difficult bosses make for a unique and highly replayable experience. [previewyoutube=VJYLiEfgJwA;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Schism[/b] had similar inspirations as [i]Dead Estate[/i], following the RNG chaos and twitch action roguelike gameplay of [i]The Binding of Isaac[/i] and [i]Nuclear Throne[/i]. Then adding in the complexity and depth of traditional roguelikes, and the bullet hell switching of [i]Ikaruga[/i]. Be sure to check out the [b]FREE Demo[/b] NOW! Your feedback at this time is invaluable! You can also join the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://discord.gg/uUE7bzVTQZ]Official Discord[/url] to have your thoughts heard. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2084300/Schism/ And of course, be sure to add it to your [b]Wishlist[/b] so you don't miss any updates or the upcoming release in Q4 2023. We are planning to launch in [b]Early Access, starting at $8.99[/b] and scaling up from there.