[h1]DISCOUNT[/h1] To celebrate the release of the [i]3rd Major Update[/i] to [b]Dead Estate[/b], the game will be [u][b]40% off[/b][/u] for one week! So the game is now bigger than ever, with a discount that matches the game's historic lowest. How can you afford to NOT buy Dead Estate now?! [url=https://twitter.com/soggyworms][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/53af7a2feb1c84ff6160672715e9d21b334f7d09.png[/img][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/soggyworms][i]Fantastic art by Shanni! (@soggyworms!)[/i][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/flowuhpowuh][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/345fbe9a6508cd8abc6875f0ee3b7543873d49ae.png[/img][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/flowuhpowuh][i]Fantastic art by Flowuh! (@flowuhpowuh!)[/i][/url] [h1]HEAVEN & HELL![/h1] Fun fact: this was actually the very first update I had planned. Chunks Medallions were something I programmed way back in December 2021, but life ended up getting ahead of my plans and I only now ended up being able to implement them fully and everything surrounding them. That being said, if it weren't for the giant gap between the game's initial release in October 2021 and the release of the first major update in October 2022, I wouldn't have had the time to actually think of all these updates and our plans beyond these updates. In a way, everything worked out better than I had hoped. I have some huge ideas that'll come after these updates and I really can't wait to start working on them and eventually share them with everyone. Being halfway through this batch of six updates is getting me really excited for what's to come -- but enough about that. I don't wanna accidentally spoil anything. [h1]NEW STUFF[/h1] [list] [*] [h3][b]Chunks Medallions![/b][/h3] [list]A new cross-run currency obtained by completing runs! Completing runs on harder difficulties will net you more medallions per run. Use them to purchase the main new features of this update: [b]Curses[/b] and [b]Blessings[/b].[/list] [*] [h3][b]Curses![/b][/h3] [list]Curses offer a brand new way to shake up your runs. They function as items that you can equip from the character select screen and can be enabled or disabled at any point once unlocked. Every character can unlock 3 Curses that are completely unique to them, meaning that there's [b]27 curses total![/b] Be warned, though. As their name would imply, Curses are [i]not[/i] strictly upgrades. While there's a benefit to every Curse, there's also a downside. Think of Curses less as permanent progression-based upgrades and more as ways of remixing characters to offer new playstyles.[/list] [*] [h3][b]Blessings![/b][/h3] [list]Blessings are the sole method of removing the negative effects of a Curse. However, Blessings come at a fairly steep price -- and even then, they are only temporary, lasting 15 minutes at most. You can't rely on them forever, but they sure are useful.[/list] [*] [h3][b]2 new shops![/b][/h3][list] [*] [b]Hellmart:[/b] operated by the demonness Filia, Hellmart sells Curses in exchange for Chunks Medallions. You'll need quite a few Medallions to purchase every Curse. This shop can only be found on loops after obtaining the true ending. [*] [b]Heavenmart:[/b] a store owned by the angel Faith which sells Blessings for Chunks Medallions. It also sells some high-quality items as well! This shop can only be found after purchasing at least one Curse.[/list] [*] [h3][b]C-costumes![/b][/h3] [list]Self-explanatory! A brand new batch of costumes is available for every single character in the game! Have fun obtaining them all![/list] [*] [h3][b]10 new items![/b][/h3][list] [*] Fuzzy Dice [*] Robot Head [*] Gully [*] Curveball [*] Get Dizzy [*] Kevlar Backpack [*] Purple Baby [*] Trigger Finger [*] Sudden Death [*] Calendar[/list] [*] [h3][b]5 new weapons![/b][/h3][list] [*] Chunks' Arm [*] Dead Man's Gun [*] Blue Candle [*] Diamond Handgun [*] Diamond Shotgun[/list] [*] [h3][b]2 new enemies![/b][/h3][list] [*] Cherub [*] Imp[/list] [/list] [h1]A LITTLE EXTRA[/h1] We've been keeping track of a lot of frequent bug reports, requests, criticisms, etc,. Starting with this update, I've begun trying to tackle all of them. We've got a pretty thorough and lengthy catalog of all of these and, needless to say, some of these fixes will take priority over others. This update includes one pretty significant and often-requested fix in particular: the inability for many items to stack properly. With this update, [b]nearly all items in the game will now work how you expect them to when stacked.[/b] If you've got two of the same damage-boosting items, you'll receive two damage boosts. If you've got five of the same health-boosting items, you'll receive five health boosts. With a few exceptions, almost every single item in the game should behave this way now. [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/39217323/3f778f33ee79479365ac6d82b448ec6a5f22033e.jpg[/img] [h1]WHAT'S NEXT?[/h1] Our next update is number four on the docket: the [b]Axe to Grind Update[/b]. Expect this upcoming update to be a little smaller than the last three. We're now halfway through this series of updates and need a bit of a breather, but don't be worried -- we're not losing traction. We've got some truly exciting stuff planned for these final three updates (and beyond) and we [i]fully[/i] intend on going out with the biggest bang possible and then some. I wrote on the roadmap that Axe to Grind will likely be out in winter 2023 (referring to January-March 2023, not December 2023! Sorry for any confusion about that). As of right now I haven't decided on an exact release date for Axe to Grind, but I think it may end up being in April. I know that's not winter, but the dates on that roadmap were pretty much always tentative. Thank you for all of your support with these updates and Dead Estate's future! It's been well over a year since release and the fact that people have stuck around to play all these updates makes me smile real big. milkbarlads4ever :] [previewyoutube=Y0xCKpXD7OU;full][/previewyoutube]