[h2]Anniversary[/h2] On October 19th, [b]Dead Estate[/b]'s Steam release had it's [u]2nd Anniversary[/u]! As has become tradition around here, the game instead goes on discount [i]today[/i] as a part of the Steam Scream Halloween Fest. At [u]45% off[/u], this is the highest discount [b]Dead Estate[/b] has run on Steam so far! AND if you pick the game up [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/32852/Shades_of_Purple_Action_Bundle/]with Magenta Horizon[/url] while both games are on sale, you'll get an even heftier discount! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/32852/Shades_of_Purple_Action_Bundle/][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/e0a7c9a95cd429fd3c4e294d0e2907feac7efff4.png[/img][/url] ([i]Fighting Blutcher the Demon Train in Magenta Horizon[/i]) [h2]Update #5[/h2] As you may have seen in our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1484720/announcements/detail/3691316008070500851]last news post[/url], Update #5 is still in active development. It has ballooned well beyond what was originally planned, but we think it will be well worth it! While we aren't ready to assign a release date to this Update, we are ready to provide more details on what's to come, and to reaffirm that it will be [b]100% Free[/b]!! [h3]Challenges[/h3] The namesake of this update, we will be adding [b]12 Challenges[/b] for you to conquer! These are custom ways of playing the game, crafted around each character, unlocking an additional Curse on completion to play around with in the main game. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/30f0b93b558f1adfb3dbc2af6ba4ad640030c1b6.gif[/img] [h3]Assignment Anya[/h3] "10 characters and 12 challenges? How does that work", we hear you ask. Well it couldn't be [i]that[/i] straightforward, now could it? What are willing to spoil at this time, is the addition of the VERY special Challenge, [b]Assignment Anya[/b]. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/b1365d95d1cee558f8107588c4fb5caaa6c9a240.jpg[/img] This is a FULL ON [b]game-within-a-game[/b]. It is a more traditional-style survival horror game set shortly before the events of the main game. It will be accessible through the main menu, ready for you to pick up and play whenever you choose. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/28e9743c523b261e2b8a7a7c6357a7622ef54a15.jpg[/img] We expect this will take players 2-4 hours to playthrough on a first attempt, and closer to 30 minutes on a replay. While you salivate over these screenshots, I want to remind you of two important things: (1) this will be added to Dead Estate [i]entirely for FREE[/i], and (2) [b]Update #6[/b] is still intended to be the biggest Update of all... [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/645586b9bc5951a715c02eab167a4d746b408260.jpg[/img] THANK YOU once again from the bottom of all our hearts, from both the Milkbar Lads and 2 Left Thumbs. Dead Estate is a wild success story, and one we do not take for granted. Giving you MORE is the least we can do to express our endless gratitude. Here's to another year of Dead Estate! Happy Halloween!! [h2]Clown Meat[/h2] [b]2 Left Thumbs[/b] announced a new game this weekend, [b]Clown Meat[/b], from the developers of [i]Brutal Orchestra[/i] and [i]Swallow the Sea[/i]. It's a precision platformer unlike any you've seen before, with an emphasis on speedrunning and replayability. Fans of Dead Estate are sure to be drawn to it's high action gameplay, and freaky horror themes. Please be sure to give it a [u]Wishlist[/u]! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2290870/Clown_Meat/