[url=https://twitter.com/FrosstyArt][img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/39217323/de2f82013bf220d1df071363448c1c60bf99a038.png[/img][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/FrosstyArt][i]Fantastic art by @FrosstyArt![/i][/url] [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/39217323/c500d55b11a30b59ca77b5aceec1f1c1d7cc339c.jpg[/img] [h1]OH MY GOD THE NEW CHARACTER IS FINALLY HERE[/h1] I'm pretty exhausted so I'll keep this one short. Thank you all for your patience with this update, hope you have a lot of fun with the game's first new character since launch, have a great day, amen. This update actually turned out waaaay bigger than what was originally planned, so there's a LOT of new content to find! [h1]NEW STUFF[/h1] [list] [*] [h3][b]New character: BOSS![/b][/h3] [list]A highly-combustible criminal who uses sticky bombs as her main method of attack! Starts the “Second Chance” item, another random bomb-related item, and explodes upon taking a hit. Also comes with her own B-costume![/list] [*] [h3][b]5 new bonus “subfloors”![/b][/h3][list] [*] [b]The Kitchen:[/b] a shop where you can acquire heavily discounted food-related items plus a few items for free! [*] [b]The Bathroom:[/b] a shop that uses toilet paper as a special kind of currency in exchange for extremely rare and immensely powerful items. [*] [b]The Bank:[/b] allows you to deposit money that you can withdraw on a later run. [*] [b]The Basement:[/b] shortcut floor that allows you to immediately travel to any of the eight main or alternate floors. [*] [b]The Arena:[/b] a boss rush that gives you a bunch of items if you complete it in time![/list] [*] [h3][b]3 new level variants![/b][/h3][list] [*] [b]Flooded floors:[/b] water appears all over the floor. It makes enemies move slower, but your own movement becomes more slippery. Fish will also spawn around the floor. [*] [b]Burning floors:[/b] sets the floor ablaze, making some enemies spawn on fire. Pots become combustible and burning enemies will periodically fall from the ceiling. [*] [b]Dark floors:[/b] makes the floor pitch black. Some enemies will spawn translucent. Glowing particles flutter down from the ceiling to light your way.[/list] [*] [h3][b]16 new items![/b][/h3][list] [*] Victory Remains [*] Lead [*] Smiley Pot [*] The Needle [*] Leech Pact [*] Toilet Paper [*] The Diaper [*] Wet Wipes [*] Elevator Button [*] The Vault [*] Rotten Nanner [*] Broken Syringe [*] Gold Kernel [*] Dead Rat [*] Flies [*] Smashed Glass[/list] [*] [h3][b]6 new weapons![/b][/h3][list] [*] Grenades [*] Potato Masher [*] Triple Bazooka [*] Assault Bazooka [*] Bomb Gauntlets [*] Sticky Bombs[/list] [*] [h3][b]4 new enemies![/b][/h3][list] [*] Icky Sticky [*] Infester Dog [*] Cult Bishop [*] Cult Necromancer[/list] [/list] [h1]WHAT'S NEXT?[/h1] Next up is the [b]Heaven & Hell Update[/b]! On the roadmap for these updates, I originally wrote that I'd like for this update to release in January 2023. Unfortunately, it might end up being a little later -- but not much. At the very latest, update 3 will be out by mid-February, so only a couple weeks later than originally planned. It won't include any new characters like Bombs Away did, but it [i]will[/i] include some interesting new expansions to the characters that are already in the game (and maybe a new wardrobe). Look forward to it!