[h2]REPELLA FELLA[/h2] Coming in just [u]1 WEEK[/u], [b]Repella Fella[/b], the spiritual successor to the popular 'Ray' Flash series, is a point n click choose your own adventure. This comedy-drama is set in a post-apocalyptic Australia, this game tells the story of a war-vet exterminator. Work through over 120 choices to discover the game's multiple endings! [list] [*][b]Choices matter[/b] - Over 120 options to pick from, with multiple endings [*][b]An animated epic[/b]: 6+ hours of cinematic gameplay hand-crafted by 1 individual [*]Designed with [b]Replayability[/b] in mind - with 3+ approaches & outcomes to every problem [*]A [b]full voice cast[/b], with over 75 talented actors [*][b]Authentically Australian[/b] - no overdone accents or dusty, barren wastelands [*]A labor of love, [b]6+ years in the making[/b][/list] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1008860/Repella_Fella/ PLEASE do give the game a Wishlist. It helps SO much! Watch Krinkels (the creator Madness) [url=https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1831151630]play the game on his Twitch[/url]! He enjoyed the game, and is planning to play the rest soon <3 [h2][b]MAGENTA HORIZON[/b][/h2] [b]Magenta Horizon[/b] is OUT NOW! It is a fast-paced 2D action platformer game that is heavily inspired by the Spectacle Fighter genre. Playing as a [i]Reaper[/i] of the twisted purgatorial afterlife, push your skills to the limit to destroy the hordes of demons and epic bosses to reach your destination. [list] [*]Flexible and free combat system [*]Spectacle fighter inspired combos and highscores [*]Unique and often over-the-top boss battles [*]Prog rock album cover artstyle [*]Heavy metal soundtrack [*][b]All by solo developer Maddison Baek[/b][/list] [h3]Owners of Dead Estate get an extra 25% off![/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/32852/Shades_of_Purple_Action_Bundle/