Welcome to Coral Island, farmers! [h2]Kickstarter is now LIVE![/h2] Our Kickstarter is finally live and will run for 30 days. Support us below: Kickstarter linked [url=https://t.co/UKw0Y7rqkq?amp=1]here[/url]. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74a294_140cfb8847b149faba237af583f2e9e8~mv2.gif[/img] We reveal all coop and barn dwelling animals, get a glimpse of never before revealed NPC's and more. Our first goal is $70,000, which will guarantee Coral Island production. [h2]What's Next[/h2] We will post campaign updates and fun insights into game development throughout the month through blog posts and tweets. As always, your feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading, Stairway Team