Welcome to the May 2022 Coral Island development update! Please check out our Steam page to wishlist the game and find out more: swg.gg/corstm This month, we tease the diving revamp, look at the furniture store, and showcase some updated NPC models! [b]Alpha v0.09 will launch on July 11 @ 11:59PM PDT.[/b] [h2][u]Revamped diving tease[/u][/h2] Diving is going through a major rework. Unfortunately, we're still finalizing things, so we can only share what's confirmed to stay today. We're adding a bunch of underwater sea-creature NPCs you'll come across when diving. You'll need to bribe some of these NPCs, like [b]Grantle[/b] below, to gain access to more diving areas. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_4e57b7ed2b034f35974614cc3e9afdc9~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_925,h_520,al_c,q_95/491ae5_4e57b7ed2b034f35974614cc3e9afdc9~mv2.webp[/img] Grantle is part of a squad of turtles that roam the 10m depths of the ocean. Check out Grantle's portrait! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_545c8e01ea454ae6ab8bcc1754f0bbcb~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_925,h_1192,al_c,q_90/491ae5_545c8e01ea454ae6ab8bcc1754f0bbcb~mv2.webp[/img] [Meet Grantle! a.k.a Grandpa Turtle] The diving maps are being combined to make one, big sprawling open world. We've added a pressure meter to help communicate the sense of diving deeper into the ocean. You'll need to upgrade your suit to reach deeper diving depths. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_35b6310f91fe4993a59bb10b8e697e5b~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_723,h_713,al_c,q_95/491ae5_35b6310f91fe4993a59bb10b8e697e5b~mv2.webp[/img] [As you go deeper into the ocean, the pressure will increase] [h2][u]Furniture store part 1 [/u][/h2] This month, we're revealing both the exterior and interior of the furniture store! There are two ways to purchase items: the [b]catalog and direct display purchase.[/b] The catalog allows you to access all items the store has unlocked. Items purchased from here will be delivered the following day. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_e37a0ff85ff54613a8afc192a31d3254~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_925,h_694,al_c,q_95/491ae5_e37a0ff85ff54613a8afc192a31d3254~mv2.webp[/img] [Dinda and Joko own the furniture store in town] With direct display purchase, you'll be able to snag any of the 7 display items at a small discount. Don't dilly dally though, because display items are cycled every week. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_9cbc1862e859427d9f79327dcab22f6f~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_925,h_513,al_c,q_95/491ae5_9cbc1862e859427d9f79327dcab22f6f~mv2.webp[/img] [Dinda and Joko's relatives help run the furniture store] [h2][u]Updated NPC models[/u][/h2] Check out the upgraded models for Ben, Eva and Charles! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_387162ee522441b58d6d7a3cb283dd70~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_925,h_463,al_c,q_90/491ae5_387162ee522441b58d6d7a3cb283dd70~mv2.webp[/img] [Ben lives in a van somewhere in the forest and is dateable.] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_26bd6a28e9994029a6a0fec220e5f3c7~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_925,h_463,al_c,q_90/491ae5_26bd6a28e9994029a6a0fec220e5f3c7~mv2.webp[/img] [Eva is the town's baker, loves good red velvet cakes and is dateable] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_38d90f43846847a491c0568ef4cc59cd~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_925,h_463,al_c,q_90/491ae5_38d90f43846847a491c0568ef4cc59cd~mv2.webp[/img] [Charles is one of the doctors in Starlet Town. He is dateable, and enjoys burrito.] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_e250a1d362804b20b6547c197a61801d~mv2.jpg[/img] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_ec6d8561a77f462595640b0309077ff8~mv2.jpg[/img] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_7319046c2f3b492189a7d9669052e7cc~mv2.jpg[/img] [who doesn't love a good t-pose] [h2][u]Bonus: updated Peanut model[/u][/h2] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_6f52c763a6a340e6bb05299c3d0f02fc~mv2.gif[/img] [just a cat being a cat] [h2][u]Bug of the month[/u][/h2] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_cc6fdbe72794476db0d4e24640151358~mv2.gif[/img] [wheeeeeeeee] [h2][u]What's next?[/u][/h2] Next month, we'll provide updates on the following: - Revamped diving overview - Furniture store UI - Combat mastery - Updated interiors & exteriors - Updated NPC models [b]Thanks for reading,[/b] Stairway Team