Hello Coral Islanders, The Alpha build is now ready to be tested! Alpha will be launched today, [b]July 31st, 6 PM PDT/ August 1st, 8 AM GMT+7[/b]. Please refer to [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coralisland/coral-island-reimagining-the-farm-sim-game/posts/3253436]our previous post[/url] for more details about Alpha keys distribution and other information. We want to reiterate that [u][b]this Alpha 0.01 will be under NDA[/b][/u] and that [u]players cannot share any information about the game in any way[/u]. We appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation in this matter. Additionally, we want to remind you that this Alpha 0.01 build is an early build meant for playtesting, so [b]expect bugs, issues, and crashes[/b]. You might have to start the game from the beginning multiple times. However, we will try to fix the issue and keep the build stable. If you have any bug reports, please let us know! Kindly check our [url=https://discord.gg/5gdCe3s2QC]bug report Discord channel[/url] (Alpha Channels → #alpha-bug-report) and follow the instructions listed there. To help you in your new adventure, we have prepared the basic gameplay guide [url=http://swg.gg/alphatutorial]here[/url]! It goes without saying that we are very grateful for your continued support and look forward to your feedback! OK! Let’s go! [img]https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/034/379/173/6aeb0d48b5439cb3a0b30f57687a234f_original.jpg?ixlib=rb-4.0.2&w=700&fit=max&v=1627776940&auto=format&frame=1&q=92&s=13478f5ae43536509c6d60fd82236e33[/img]