Welcome to the March 2022 Coral Island development update! Please check out our Steam page to wishlist the game and find out more: swg.gg/corstm This month, we'll go over player customization, a new in-game tool, and TV shows! [b]Alpha v0.08 will launch on May 9 @ 11:59PM PDT.[/b] [h2][u]Clothing updates[/u][/h2] The more, the merrier! We are adding more options to your fashion needs. All clothes will fit [b]all[/b] body types. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_05a74a2dc7854de19f4bce886a00ddc4~mv2.gif[/img] [Oh, you're a fan of AB/CD band? Name three songs!] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_2cc877fd29744f3b8e5b59620538ca30~mv2.gif[/img] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_8bafc4139c0f401398995790860acef6~mv2.gif[/img] [Yes, those are [b]wings[/b]. No, you can't fly.] [h2][u]Player customization updates[/u][/h2] Facial hair! Some [b]beards[/b] and [b]mustaches[/b] are in stock. Just like any of our clothes, facial hairs are available for all body types. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_36c97d74c7f546a995bf678060083db5~mv2.gif[/img] [h2][u]Meet the Vaquatic[/u][/h2] After testing out some ocean cleaning mechanics, we've decided to use a suction system, the [b]Vaquatic[/b]. Aim to the target and clean away. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_272193d195ab4fe09e3b5623c0ab3d61~mv2.gif[/img] [h2][u]TV shows on Coral Island[/u][/h2] On Coral Island, there is a variety of channels on television. Some of the channels are informative (the Shopping Channel, etc) and some are purely for entertainment. [b]Mooqbang[/b] and [b]Game of Cones[/b] are examples of entertaining shows that broadcast weekly. There are plenty [b]more[/b]. Stay tuned! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_22880f96efb2406d86c25af14deab50f~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_925,h_541,al_c,q_90/491ae5_22880f96efb2406d86c25af14deab50f~mv2.webp[/img] [Mooqbang is an eating show where the main star, a cow named Mooq, will eat and rate several barn foods.] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_4596b81b5a2e454bb1ad16596c45654c~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_925,h_435,al_c,q_90/491ae5_4596b81b5a2e454bb1ad16596c45654c~mv2.webp[/img] [Game of Cones is a cooking competition show between two chefs, with different chefs each episode.] [h2][u]What's next?[/u][/h2] Next month, we'll provide updates on the following: - Mount riding - Revamped diving mechanics - New decor mode UI - Combat [b]Thanks for reading,[/b] Stairway Team