[b]WE HAVE A DATE!!!!!!![/b] Coral Island releases into Early Access on [u][b]October 11, 2022![/b][/u] [previewyoutube=QXfXwY0_WPA;full][/previewyoutube] [b]FAQ[/b] [u]- Pre-order store?[/u] No news on when the pre-order store will be open yet. [u]- When is it available to stream?[/u] We will have more to share soon. [u]- Price?[/u] Nothing is set in stone, but we've been eyeing the $20~ mark for the initial early access price, and incrementally increasing the price each time a big content update is pushed. Where the final price ends up will depend on what features we can push out. [u]- What is the proposed timeline?[/u] October 11, 2022 - Early Access Launch (TBD) 2022/2023 after EA - Console / Switch Ports (TBD) 2023 - Full 1.0 Version Release For more information, join our Discord server: http://discord.gg/stairway Thank you for reading, Stairway Games