Welcome to the January 2022 Coral Island development update! Please check out our Steam page to wishlist the game and find out more: swg.gg/corstm This month, we'll go over fences, outdoor decor, and meet the C.I.C! [b]Alpha v0.07 will launch on March 7 @ 11:59PM PDT.[/b] [h2][u]Happy New Year (again!)[/u][/h2] Happy lunar new year to those who celebrate! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74a294_f3e713cba4804ea7a6822de320f10d59~mv2.jpg[/img] [h2][u]Fences, Gates & Arches[/u][/h2] Take a look at how fences, gates, and arches will work in the game! [h3][u]Fences[/u][/h3] Placing fences is super easy. Select the fence item on your hotbar, find an empty spot on your farmland and plot it down. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_43143ab2ce6a4b088a739d1a7225a727~mv2.png[/img] There are [b]three different styles[/b] for how fences connect. We have the following from left to right: post on every tile fence, homogenous fence, and corner post fence. [h3][u]Gates[/u][/h3] Now that you've fenced an area, we need a way to get in and out. To place gates, find an empty spot between two fences, and place it. Voila, you now have a gate! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_97f4a0379316496e99fae932d884f178~mv2.gif[/img] Good news, all styles of gates will work with any fence style. [h3][u]Arches[/u][/h3] Complete your decoration with arches! You'll be able to rotate them in 4 directions and place them anywhere on the tillable ground. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_597f426f91e14fe38277d9c3cc9fb67c~mv2.png[/img] We're still developing the feature, but you'll be able to place half arches and make double-wide ones too. For a sneak peek of this, be sure to join our [url=https://discord.com/invite/stairway]Discord here[/url]. [h3][u]Community vote: add fence vaulting, or not[/u][/h3] Last but not least, we're looking for feedback from the community. Do you want us to explore [b]fence vaulting[/b] for the game? Please let us know your thoughts! [h2][u]Outdoor Decor[/u][/h2] We've been hard at work adding a variety of styles for your outdoor decoration needs. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_351604c23b614fe688d5e1c6c392d10d~mv2.png[/img] Here's a sneak peek at the [b]Mountain Cabin[/b] Outdoor Props. Let us know what other styles you want to see in the game! [h2][u]Meet the C.I.C (Coral Island Current)[/u][/h2] The Coral Island current is an underwater highway transporting various things to and from different parts of the ocean. It's located on the [b]West[/b] side of the island. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_960c215ba6c44a74b979173b516f48d5~mv2.gif[/img] [where's all the fish...?] [h2][u]Fanart Contest: Valentines in Coral Island[/u][/h2] Win a chance for your character's hair design to be featured in the game! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74a294_7c3ba95b4c954a59ab9926f79ccac2b2~mv2.jpg[/img] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74a294_1a928700dc7a4375a8e36f26754d9295~mv2.jpg[/img] [h2][u]What's next?[/u][/h2] For Alpha v0.07, we've got the following planned: - Renovated museum - Heritage implemented (temple offerings) - More interiors and exteriors - Refreshed 10m diving maps - Rebalanced mastery progressions - And more! [b]Thanks for reading,[/b] Stairway Team