Hotfix v1.1-1220
Author: Novita - Stairway Games,
published 5 months ago,
Hi Farmers,
We have fixed more bugs and added some improvements in this patch:
[*] Fixed underwater house floor and wallpaper issues.
[*] Fixed issues with savannah mine monsters and treasure levels.
[*] Fixed various clipping issues with NPC clothing.
[*] Fixed tapper disappearing when canceling tree movement in architect mode.
[*] Fixed item duplication/disappearance in global storage.
[*] Fixed response when proposing to an NPC when the player is already married.
[*] Fixed ranch animals rotating incorrectly when going inside.
[*] Fixed multiple mastery level-ups not displaying correctly in Day Recap.
[*] Fixed wrong mesh shown on Snatcher for Fire, Ice, and Wind Mines.
[*] Fixed treasure hunt daily loot not resetting.
[*] Fixed some underwater items showing wrong placement displays in inventory.
[*] Fixed issue with harvesting tap from mushroom trees.
[*] Fixed clipping and preview issues in the Clothing Shop.
[*] Fixed weird animation for kissing and hugging from long distances.
[*] Fixed flickering issue on sprinklers.
[*] Fixed UI not showing certain quality ocean crops/animal produce required for upgrading the lab.
[*] Fixed some issues with auto chests not processing items.
[*] Fixed upgrade tool held upside down when retrieved.
[*] Fixed random crash when rummaging in trash cans.
[*] Fixed floating rock issue in the mines.
[*] Fixed no tile highlight on Water Mines Floor 27, 28.
[*] Fixed cases where the bottom is naked when loading a save with a specific outfit.
[*] Prevented freeze issue caused by moving auto chests in architect and decor mode.
[*] Fixed auto collectors not working on the underwater barn building.
[*] Fixed Charles walking on the spot and spinning in front of Ling's Lab.
[*] Fixed fruit tree errand's deadline being 6 days instead of 7.
[*] Fixed missing horse during the savannah race.
[*] Fixed scrap tiles becoming invisible on the underwater farm.
[*] Fixed missing Lady Lavanna in the journal UI.
[*] Fixed interaction prompt to show when the player interacts with pets and horses on floor tiles using the mouse.
[*] Fixed Jim heart 5 quest not handled properly.
[*] Fixed wrong requirement for dynamic dialog for a healthy sacred tree.
[*] Fixed failed teleport for some aftermath hangouts.
[*] Fixed NPCs thinking they are married when they aren't.
[*] Fixed fossil spawn in Diving 50m.
[*] Fixed Charcuz low-rise pants and shoulder belt top issues.
[*] Fixed scarce water geode drop in Starlet Mine.
[*] Fixed savannah cave memory fragment interact prompt requirement.
[*] Fixed seeds dropped from the savannah cave not stacking.
[*] Fixed Garden Lane listed incorrectly when opening the map.
[*] Fixed some cases of artisan item machines getting stuck.
[*] Fixed some cooking recipes not increasing the cooked count.
[*] Fixed Osmium meteor's wrong setup for reminder text.
[*] Fixed horse being called inside the community center using an animal whistle.
[*] Fixed Semeru's dialogue glitch during Merfolk Chaperone/Starlet Expedition.
[*] Fixed being unable to fish in savannah.
[*] Fixed beach shack location area triggers elsewhere.
[*] Fixed well's string stretching after being moved by the architect desk.
[*] Fixed Spin the Wheel minigame exploit (spin attempts reset if the player quits before using all attempts).
[*] Fixed crash on cutscene reapplying weather.
[*] Fixed crash in savannah race minigame.
[*] Attempted to fix the inability to toggle the fireplace using a controller.
[*] Fixed underwater ranch animals getting stuck at gate buildings.
[*] Fixed being unable to place offerings on the orchestra altar 50m with different quality.
[*] Fixed portrait glitching during cutscenes.
[*] Fixed Miranjani portrait using the fall portrait in spring.
[*] Fixed floor preview carrying over to other rooms.
[*] Fixed carpets and rugs becoming white in floor previews.
[*] Attempted to fix a crash when opening UI containing inventory slots in an edge case.
[*] Fixed Island Guardians being able to talk in the early game.
[*] Fixed save settings not updating for duration and cooldown dynamic dialog when loading a game save.
[*] Fix gem offering resetting to 0.
[*] Fix Velociraptor hologram completion missing 10 points blocking completion to town rank S even after completing everything.
[*] Adjusted tumbleweed scale, speed, and locations.
[*] Added a rare chance of spawning butterflies when hitting a tree.
[*] Faster zoom steps in architect mode.
[*] Implemented rotate functionality for rotatable objects in architect mode.
[*] Disabled item weapons during underwater diving.
[*] Added VFX for giant crops in the Cave of Memories.
[*] Allowed 3 NPC birthdays.
[*] Added information to add a temperature machine for underwater buildings to avoid animals being put in a bad mood in Winter.
[*] Polished temperature machine for underwater, only showing a red light.
[*] Readjusted ramen shop attraction camera preview.
[*] Added translucency for the pufferfish building.
[*] Enabled grass spawn and growth on floor tiles with grass type.
[*] Resized all coconut and geode by 1.5x.
[*] Disabled the ability to repeatedly pet ranch animals.
[*] Adjusted purple flower texture.
[*] Added cooldown for all meteors.
[*] Updated Item Mixing layout for better navigation with the controller.
[*] Updated Animal Shop requirement pop-up text for better understanding.
[*] Updated Tablet of Memories Relationship Panel to ensure the layout is correct and the NPC icon is not stretched.
[*] Updated Calendar to allow for 3 NPC birthdays.
[*] Added married requirements for New Year Spouse dialogue.
[*] Fixed various UI typos.
[*] Removed Mastery Point acquisition for Catching and Fishing from trash cans.
[*] Revised daily loot table content.
[*] Unlocked monster scarecrow recipe (concerned monkey shop).
[*] Adjusted prices for underwater sprinkler + attachment weather conch and wellness fruit.
[*] Adjusted prices for buff ocean flower honey and mead.
[b]Dialogue and Text:[/b]
[*] Various translation improvements.
[*] Denali and Princess Miranjani dialogue text fixes.
[*] Added Deno extras description.
[*] Removed dot in Ask texts.
[*] Removed Day After Wedding dialogue for Aaliya, Alice, Ben, and Chaem.
Best regards,
Stairway Team