Hi Farmers, There were urgent crashing issues for some saves after the last update. This patch should rectify that. We also include other fixes with this patch, Here are the notes: [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fix crashes if you place torches at your farm. This is the cause of crash experienced by some save files. [*] Fix Abandoned Villa collision issue. [*] Various typos fixes. [*] Fix player house interior tile system activated when loading saves from underwater barrack. [*] Remove founder hall coming soon message. [*] Fix floating lotus around deep forest blocker. [*] Fix tree planting only giving basic tools. [*] Fix shed décor mode causing crashes. [*] Fix crash if dialogue list of NPC is empty. [*] Fix Enchantment UI sometimes losing focus. [*] Fix caterpillar not included in Caterpillar Peyek ingredients. [*] Prevent General Store resupply cutscene being triggered in fall 14-28. [*] Fix double NPC when playing Don't Drop the Balloon mini-game. [*] Fix some Mark marriage dialogue missing. [*] Fix poisoned/rotten apple not changing in Apple Bobbing mini-game. [*] Fix move farm building cost 0 gold. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*] Sturdy Computer can now be placed indoors. [*] Update Trivia minigame text. [*] Remove some unused monsters from Bestiary journal. [/list] [b]Balancing:[/b] [list] [*] Increase player cow speed in Cow Competition mini-game. [/list] [b]Localizations:[/b] [list] [*] Implemented various translation improvements. [/list] Thank you for your patience, Farmers! Best, Stairway Team