Hi Farmers, Here is the changelist for this hotfix: [b]Bugfix:[/b] [list] [*] Fix new wardrobe issues where clothes disappear. [*] Fix pet missing after house upgrade. [*] Fix Cooking UI Freeze when accessing global inventory. [*] Fix for architect desk issues. [*] Fix for cannot remove items in greenhouses. [*] Fix rare crashes when loading the game caused by inconsistent data. [*] Fix canceling move building during carpenter mode may cause invalid building data. [*] Fix Buff UI showing non-consumable buff items. [*] Fix Luwak and Peafowl Stock Not Updated. [*] Fix Ranch Animal Disappeared on Exit of Architect Mode. [*] Fix minor issues with Auto Chests. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*] Hide Map Switcher before Diving is unlocked. [/list] Thanks for everyone submitting bug reports; we do read all of them, and it helps us a lot in fixing these bugs. We'll keep on swinging our bug nets to catch them. Stairway Games