Hi farmers, We've made more bug fixes available with this update. Here are the notes: [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fix Controller not working on day income UI. [*] Fix silo building style 2 saves 100 max capacity instead of 300 [*] Fix some scarecrows that cannot be craftable even after purchasing from the shop. [*] Fix vitamin prices and descriptions and medicine descriptions. [*] Fix issues with animals not being able to get out of the ranch building and will stand still in front of the building. [*] Fix the animal missing in the ranch building when you try to change the style of the farm building. [*] Fix silo preview style. [*] Fix body mass preference not applied to character customizer on some UI. [*] Fix rare crashes when loading debris on the farm. [*] Attempt to fix auto chest causing crash on load. [*] Fix the bug when the player wears a panda outfit and goes to Merfolk form; the hair becomes bald [*] Fix cutscene character not handling player body mass preference. [*] Fix popiah not cookable. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*] Scarecrow Crafting Recipe Implemented [*] Add new scarecrows in the merit shop [*] Minor optimization to cooking UI. [/list] Thanks for the bug reports, we'll keep working on this for a smoother experience. Stairway Games