After over 4 years of development, we are excited to announce that Chef RPG is finally released on Steam today in Early Access! This project began as a small solo project. With the help of the community, as well as some talented team members who joined throughout development, the game has grown to where it is today. Chef RPG will continue to be developed over time, and we have a lot of exciting updates coming ahead. [img][/img] [b]DISCORD[/b] Join the Chef RPG Discord to chat about the game, ask questions, post feedback and report any bugs! [url=]Chef RPG Early Access Discord[/url] [b]1st Upcoming Update[/b] The first order of business for us is to optimize controls for Steamdeck & gamepads, as well as implement key rebinding for greater accessibility. These should hopefully be finalized within a few weeks. We thank you for your patience! We will also continue looking for any bugs and possibly adjust the balancing of the game over this period. [b]Detailed Roadmap Coming Soon![/b] We will release a detailed roadmap of upcoming features and content updates in a few days, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the world of Chef RPG! [img][/img]