[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/ef323603df9d868b5cc474a9aab2c01ea7e732ae.png[/img] Hullo there! Are your feet up? Is your blankie all the way up to your chin? Hot coco and a purring cat nearby? That's right, get comfy for the ✨[b]Comfy Update[/b]✨, the first big update for Cat Cafe Manager! [h1]The Comfy Update[/h1] First of all, I want to quickly thank each and every one of you that played Cat Cafe Manager! It's been a dream come true for us, a tiny 4 person studio, to see you enjoying the game, and telling us how you feel about it. On that note, I also really want to thank everyone that shared [b]feedback[/b], [b]suggestions[/b] and [b]bug reports[/b] with us on our [b][url=https://discord.gg/5dCbC895hs]Discord[/url][/b] and the [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1354830/discussions/]Steam forum[/url][/b]! It's been sooo helpful in determining what we can do to make Cat Cafe Manager a more relaxing, comfy experience for you! This update is all about [b]quality of life[/b]! Giving you the tools to play CCM better and easier. Let's comfortably slide right into the patch notes, shall we? 🐱 [i]Points with this icon were [b]Community Suggestions[/b]![/i] [h2]NEW FEATURES[/h2] [list] [*] 🐱 You can now [b]sell[/b] your unwanted furniture in Decorate Mode! [i]In the Decorate UI, select the piece of furniture you want to sell, and click the blue 'Sell' box. You'll get back 25% of the price you paid for the furniture![/i] [*] 🐱 You can now select [b]which tasks[/b] a Staff member will perform. [i]You can set them in the 'detail screen' for a Staff Member by checking or unchecking the little box next to a skill. This allows you to focus Staff Members on only serving customers, or only cooking food.[/i] [*] 🐱 Added new Traits for Staff members which unlock the Cat Care and Maintenance skills. [*] 🐱 You can now edit your character and cafe name while playing. [i]Simply press ESC to go to the menu, which now has 2 new options: Edit Character & Edit Cafe Name.[/i] [*] Added a new Gameplay option to [b]single press[/b] a key/button instead of holding it to perform actions. [i]Go to Settings > Game, and tick the 'Tap to Perform Task' box there.[/i] [/list] [h2]UI ADDITIONS[/h2] [list] [*] 🐱 The Autosave file now [b]includes the player name[/b] so you can have Autosaves of multiple games, and the game warns you if you start a game with the same name, to prevent accidentally overwriting it. [*] When a Customer Group levels up (after getting a Friendship Level with a Regular) a [b]new screen[/b] will tell you what their new rewards and Needs are. [*] 🐱 Added [b]arrow keys[/b] as valid control option for moving your character and camera for left-handed players. [*] Food Menu UI now displays your recipe inventory and the [b]recipes you're currently missing[/b] that your customers sometimes want to order. [*] 🐱 The Cat Roster UI now shows your[b] total score[/b] per Customer Group, so you can more easily determine which Customers will be happy with your cat roster. [*] You can now open the Cat Roster UI when petting stray cats. [*] 🐱 The Advertising UI now shows all the Needs and desired recipes of customers. [*] Clearer indication when a Stray Lure [b]cannot attract more Strays[/b], and that Lure is removed from the shop. You'll also automatically get a refund on any Lures you own that can no longer attract Strays. [*] 🐱 Added icons for[b] furniture style [/b]to the Shop and Decorate Mode, so you can see how much of a style you own. [*] 🐱 Added sorting options to the Shop UI. Sort based on name [i](A>Z)[/i], price [i](low>high)[/i], furniture style or amount owned [i](least>most)[/i]. [*] 🐱 Added a number of how many of an ingredient you own in the Ingredient Shop, so you can more easily add the ones you need. [i](Tip: sort by 'amount owned' to see what you own the least of!)[/i] [*] 🐱 You now get a notification whenever a piece of equipment[b] breaks[/b]. [*] 🐱 Added a button to [b]show walls[/b] in Decorate mode, so you can easily move / remove windows and doors. [*] 🐱 The shops now show [b]how many[/b] of an item you already have in your inventory. [*] Added a line in the shop clarifying that a Stat won't get added when you already have one of that piece of furniture in your cafe [i](duplicates don't add stats, except for Cat Needs like Toy & Food, and Toilets for customers)[/i]. [*] Explanation in the reward screen when you get a Stray Lure as a present, that it is, in fact, a Lure. [*] 🐱 You can now [b]skip the customer count[/b] at the end of the day by clicking. [*] 🐱 Fixed some readability issues in the Forever Home rewards. [*] Improved how traits are displayed, especially when you have a lot of traits. [*] Added some more indicators for controls to the Decorate Mode. [*] 🐱 Serving food Tasks are now yellow instead of orange, so you can more easily see which Customers are waiting for orders to be delivered. [/list] [h2]BALANCE[/h2] [list] [*] Kitchen tasks now spawn at the [b]closest possible kitchen appliance[/b], instead of randomly, better allowing for multiple kitchens. [*] 🐱 Customers with a "Comfort" need now automatically pick the [b]most comfortable free chair[/b] available. [*] Staff now prioritizes rarer tasks like maintenance, cat care and cleaning, if they're able to perform those. [*] Made almost all traits a little [b]more effective[/b]. [*] 🐱 End of the game story now triggers when the shrine is actually fully completed. [/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed some traits not applying their bonus correctly. [*] Fixed some stats overlapping in the UI. [*] 🐱 Fixed a few bugs related to relationship levels not displaying correctly. [*] 🐱 Fixed the Cat HUD in the lower right sometimes shifting left and hiding cats when you had a lot of cats. [*] 🐱 Fixed dialogue skipping when you were holding down a button when the dialogue popped up. [/list] If you have any questions about the update, be sure to fire away at us on our [b][url=https://discord.gg/5dCbC895hs]Discord[/url][/b] or the [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1354830/discussions/]Steam forum[/url][/b]! We'll try to answer asap! Thanks!! - Rick