[h1]Hello fellow cat enthusiasts![/h1] We're here with another patch for you all. Hopefully this will fix at least a few of the issues that everyone has been running into. We are still working hard to squash all of the bugs that have already been reported. If you run into any new bugs, please join our [url=https://discord.gg/uNhAYFV6KH]Discord [/url]and go to #take-a-ticket to make an official bug report. 😸 [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed full screen mode not working correctly on some multi-monitor setups [*] Fixed a crash when calling regulars after certain story moments [*] Fixed a bug where the stray food bowl would sometimes stop accepting lures [*] First balance change! Mid-tier recipe ingredients are now a tad cheaper, which should lower your need for 'witch days'. [*] Added a few missing floors/walls [*] Fixed issue where moving an empty food bowl or a dirty toilet would remove the task, leaving them empty/dirty forever [*] Fixed a rare crash in pathfinding when cafes would get very big [*] Fixed pathfinding behavior with multiple entrances (you should now be able to use multiple separate buildings) [*] Fixed the Rug Pull, Proper Library, A Pint at the Winchester, Shrine in the Woods and all Forever Home achievements [*] Fixed issue where petting a stray could end up blocking the Skip To Next Morning button [/list] Let us know what you think!