[i]Join our [url=https://discord.gg/uNhAYFV6KH]discord [/url]to hear about new Dev Diaries as soon as they go up![/i] [h1]Hello dearest cat enthusiast![/h1] We've been real hard at work on Cat Cafe Manager and we've got a few exciting developments to talk about! The last month had but one major theme: tying it all together! This involves lots and lots of playing of the game, making balance changes, and fixing bugs as they pop up. This seems like a wild thing to say, but we actually managed to play Cat Cafe Manager from start to finish... for the very first time this month! We gave our main menu a lick of paint. We wanted it to feel just as chill as hanging out with a cat that’s not even really paying attention to you. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/1796fd5836ba564eb52d08c36fedbc046b915790.gif[/img] You can now call your friends on the phone so they’ll visit! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/7eaf458baa7db044e6430efb76b4768a8704a81e.gif[/img] You can now give your adopted strays a Forever Home! The folks of Caterwaul are all looking for that special catly companion, and you have more strays to take off the street than you have room in your cat cafe. So you can now use the Community Notice Board to find requests for cats, and if your cats fill the requirements you can give them a Forever Home! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/42ecf959601ef9db10f3024fe809bdb2d145582a.png[/img] That’ll be it for now. We’re doing tons of work behind the scenes and squashing so many bugs! I’ll leave you with this bug in which a coffee crazed customer orders himself an infinite amount of coffee. We’ve all had those kinds of days. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/8be4a773b87c79af944f978bc4b16fe078bab93d.png[/img]