[i]Join our [url=discord.gg/sAXW2mx ]discord[/url] to hear about new Dev Diaries as soon as they go up![/i] [h1]Hello dearest cat enthusiast![/h1] It’s been a while, hasn’t it? We've been real hard at work on Cat Cafe Manager and we've got a few exciting developments to talk about! [h3]First and foremost,[b] Cat Cafe Manager is going to be apart of Wholesome Direct![/b][/h3] Tune in on Saturday June 12th, at 1 pm EST to see all the wholesome games, including Cat Cafe Manager! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/f133f3c4bcb677ec074e8bb80366d0ca4dbe4b49.png[/img] [h2]New Cats, Lures, Traits, and UI! Oh My! [/h2] Some of our biggest improvements since the last update have been on our loveable cats and how you get those cats. We've added 5 new cats, like Lazy, a sleepy Norwegian Forest cat, or Mingus, who is definitely a cat and not just a raccoon that broke into the cat cafe. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/ac9ccac1046e34f849d5f99a813a400c094dcdc1.png[/img] [i]Most definitely not a raccoon. Just your average cat in a cat cafe heh *looks around nervously* [/i] We've also made a whole bunch of personality traits for your cats and staff which affect their stats and behaviors. A cat might be a ‘groomer’ that cleans up other cats, a ‘hunter’ that finds its own food and doesn’t have to be fed, or a ‘chonker’ who eats more than most but is extra cute because of it. With this, there is now an expanded ‘lure’ system: lures are placed outside of your cafe and used to win the trust of stray cats. There’s now more than 10, and each lures in different stray cats for you to win over. The rarest ones are extra weird! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/183aaac7ac8e71d5f9ef1530ad1f9a6d65a6de58.png[/img] [i]What sort of cat could possibly be lured in by a chunk of fallen meteorite?[/i] There's also a new 'Advertising’ interface, which allows you to put up advertising to control which types of customers visit. Different customer types pay in different resources, so use this wisely to earn what you need to meet your goals! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/2cd20fc795772b5b758060614195dcef6c409342.png[/img] [i]Want to expand your cafe? Advertise to ‘punks’, who pay in ‘materials’ needed for construction.[/i] [h3]Some other small updates: [/h3] [list] [*] Working with our new audio partner and hearing the first pieces of Cat Cafe Manager music! Nothing to show off just yet, but very exciting nonetheless. [*] You can now rotate all your props and decorations: giving you even more control over the look and feel of your cat cafe. [*] Worked on improving the control scheme for the game, allowing you to run around the cafe, pet cats and serve your customers much more smoothly and directly. [*] Created a new UI celebrating when you earn new rewards, such as receiving a present from a friend or adopting a new cat. This is also where you get to name your newly adopted cats. [/list] For now, I hope you'll continue to look forward to Cat Cafe Manager! Don't forget to wishlist the game, if you haven't already and share with your friends! Thanks for reading! Roost Games’ Rick