[h1]Hello fellow cat enthusiasts! [/h1] Thank you so much for such a successful launch! We have greatly appreciated everyone's feeback so far, so definitely keep it coming. Based off of the reports for all of you, we have been able to put out a few patches, so here are the notes for those. If you run into any bugs, please join our [url=https://discord.gg/uNhAYFV6KH]Discord [/url]and go to #take-a-ticket to make an official bug report. 😸 [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] - Fixed outside path not properly refunding when placed on an indoor tile - Fixed Cormic and Mingus not having a portrait - Fixed a crash that sometimes happened during cat adoption - Fixed broken appliances not being repairable after loading a save game - Fixed getting stuck at a max of 13 recipes if you ever deselected a recipe - Fixed crash when hiring staff - Fixed crash that sometimes happened when picking a cat trait - Fixed rare issue where your save game could become stuck if a specific set of events occured: also includes a fix for the stuck save games, they should works again! For those that received our early supporter DLC cat: A lot of people are still having issues with the DLC cat. We haven't been able to fix those issues yet. We feel that at this point, it would be best and simplest for everybody if we simply included the DLC cat by default, for everybody, with this update. You no longer need to activate the DLC key. Switch users will also receive the cat, but on a later date, when this patch has gone through the whole Nintendo pipeline.