Hi! Here's some fixes based on community suggestions and reports! Happy cat-ting!! (that's not a word, but cut me some slack on these patch notes, OK?) - You can now properly turn on Autobuy Ingredient when playing on Steam deck - Fixed an issue where you would not be able to adopt a cat despite filling the Trust Bar - Fixed the ingredient buy buttons always being the correct size, so all info is shown - Fixed spacing on item buy button cost if its 2 resources - Fixed a crash when adopting out a stray with a very high stat - Fixed a crash when gaining a Shrine Upgrade because you gave a cat a Forever Home - Fixed several rare issues when giving a cat a Forever Home - Fixed an issue where you could get stuck in the town map when entering the Shrine using a controller - Fixed a visual issue where inventory number for an ingredient would not update after turning on Autobuy for it As always, if you run into anything, definitely let me know over on our Discord, or the Steam forums! Thanks so much!!