[b]Hi again cat lovers![/b] Here's a patch with a bunch of fixes to issues we found and encountered by the community. We're still working on [b]another update with new content[/b]. It's gonna take a bit longer but I hope you're looking forward to it! Oh, and while you're here, we have a little request: We're trying to hit 1,000 reviews by our 1-year anniversary on April 14th, so we'd love to hear your thoughts! If you haven't reviewed us already, we'd really appreciate it if you took a couple of minutes to do so, it really helps people find our cozy lil game! We really appreciate every single review! Thanks!! 🐱 🐱[i]Points with this icon were Community Suggestions or bug reports![/i] [h3]Changes:[/h3] [list][*]Removed the winter theme on main menu[/list] [h3]General fixes:[/h3] [list][*] 🐱 Wall mounted decorations are always considered 'passable' and no longer block AI pathfinding. [*] 🐱 Hiring the post-game staff & re-adopting Forever Home cats now spends the resources they require. [*] Fixed build cost of outside floors incorrectly showing as '0' even when it's not. [*] Can now properly attach Wall mounted decorations when turned left or right [*] 🐱 The game will now automatically remove wall mounted decorations when a wall is removed, so they no longer float in mid-air. [*] 🐱 Fixed a rare issue of time getting stuck when cancelling certain UI’s using the ESC key. [*] 🐱 Fixed a rare crash when skipping to morning.[/list] [h3]Controller fixes:[/h3] [list][*] Fixed bug where you could open a shop while already being in the shop with a controller [*] Fixed some selection issues in the Shrine if using a controller. [*] Changed cancelling the 'move furniture mode' to B on a controller. [*] Changed continuing the end of shift to A on a controller.[/list] Here's a little tease for something new in the next update! 🐱💤 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/5dae12cc8b03126802d428849917c05a2962dc47.png[/img] Thanks! - Rick