[i]Join [url=https://t.co/AVr6LMB0ff]our discord[/url] to hear about new Dev Diaries as soon as they go up![/i] [h1]Hi! Hello![/h1] If you’re not familiar with Cat Cafe Manager, first of all, congratulations on taking the plunge and clicking on a dev diary for something you knew nothing about, and second of all... Cat Cafe Manager is our chill business sim in which you run your very own cat cafe, being developed by us: Roost Games! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/d0e1a2f092d0aee7dc4919031f32ae94bfb2c31d.png[/img] For those of you that’d like to get a closer peek at the game’s developments so far and going forward, this dev diary is for you! One of us will write one up every couple of weeks. So lie down, get the closest human to scratch you behind the ear, and read on. [h1]Announcing Cat Cafe Manager[/h1] We’ve worked on Cat Cafe Manager since the start of 2020, and decided to share our progress with the world last week Tuesday the 28th. In case you missed it: [previewyoutube=hDVQxq06J5o;full][/previewyoutube] For all of you that pressed heart-shaped buttons, retweeted, commented, wishlisted, or decided to hang out on our Discord, thank you so much!! We honestly expected to release our little trailer into the empty void of the internet and not hear much at all. It’s been incredibly invigorating for us to see the positive response Cat Cafe Manager got! Let's talk about what we've been working on since the announcement. [h1]Current developments: Shrines, Shrubs & Scribbles, oh my![/h1] [b]Carmen[/b], Roost Games’ art & animation powerhouse, has spent last week animating a unique sprite for one of our Regulars: [b]Bonner[/b]. Regulars are unique customers that will regularly visit your cat cafe. If they enjoy your cafe you can start conversations with them to slowly build up your friendship! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/b457512ac797605d14aba02974100bc8a33e5193.gif[/img] Bonner is the town’s old ferryman. He loves adventure, applauding a movie’s credits, and his husband Gavin (who will hopefully be a regular visitor as well!). Different regulars enjoy being with different cats, and Bonner particularly likes nimble cats who like putting up a good (play)fight. Speaking of Regulars, [b]Rick[/b] (surprise, that's me!) has been writing dialogue for Finley, an up-and-coming young musician that likes to work on her music at your cat cafe. As your friendship develops, you’ll get to learn more about her struggles, and maybe even help her... Conversations with Regulars include branching choices, built using our dialogue editor. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/9b3d94eb1f4944e4816188544ffb4d986854c508.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/ab3e4022f0b2a00a21da248e0b5b90b78e56634f.png[/img] Carmen has also been expanding the nature assets we have as well, so the shrubbery and trees around your cafe are a bit more varied. They will also be used in a very exciting new feature! Read on… [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/ab7743e4c19749f3c41f867015c72f49eaf45e1e.png[/img] [h1]The Shrine[/h1] Caterwaul Way, the countryside village you’re moving to at the start of your cat cafe story, is home to many old mysteries. One such mystery is the decrepit shrine to an ancient cat god that stands deep within the woods close by the town. A mysterious figure will ask you to help them restore the old shrine, and it's up to you to decide which parts to restore first. The cats seem to really like it when you renovate this old shrine, but you'll have to work hard to convince all the villagers of Caterwaul Way to help! [b]Rutger[/b], our programmer, has been working hard to build out this big new feature. The shrine is in early alpha, and not really at a place where we have a lot to show off yet, but we’re really excited to share it with you in the coming weeks!! That’s it for right now, cool cats. If you’re interested in Cat Cafe Manager, please consider [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1354830/Cat_Cafe_Manager/]wishlisting the game right here on Steam[/url]. It’s honestly a tremendous help to us! If you’d like to keep up with these dev diaries, consider coming to hang out on [url=https://t.co/AVr6LMB0ff]our Discord[/url]! Thanks so so much, and see you next time! Rick