[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/1fd998d5df903465e0929880bf9118a11d68668f.png[/img] Hi everyone! I've got some exciting news for you!! We can [b]finally[/b] reveal what we’ve been working on the past months! 🙀 Cat Cafe Manager is getting a sequel, and it's called ✨🌃[url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roost-games/cat-cafe-manager-2][b]Cat Cafe Manager 2: Big City Bliss[/b][/url]! 🌃✨ That title already holds a little hint about our plans for the next Cat Cafe Manager game... Besides building your [b]dream cat cafe[/b] and [b]adopting[/b] lots of cute cats, in the sequel you'll also get to go out and [b]explore[/b] a big colorful 3D city, and you can even bring your cats along to [b]help[/b] you explore! To make the game the best it can be, we are planning a [b]Kickstarter campaign[/b] which will launch around [b]September[/b]. We've funded most of the development ourselves, but with your help, feedback and suggestions we hope to make the game bigger, better and, uhh, fluffier! Speaking of, it would be [b]incredibly[/b] helpful if you [b][url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roost-games/cat-cafe-manager-2]follow the campaign on Kickstarter[/url][/b]! Kickstarter works a bit like Steam: the more wishlists / followers we can get before it launches, the better the algorithm likes us, the better chances we have of the campaign becoming a big success! 😺 You can [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roost-games/cat-cafe-manager-2]follow the campaign here[/url], then clicking [b]“Notify me on launch”[/b]. ✨ Thank you SO much!! ✨ We'll announce more details on the game, as well as the Kickstarter campaign, in the coming weeks and months, so keep an eye out! If you'd like to hear any news and updates about the new game and the Kickstarter campaign, [url=https://discord.com/invite/sAXW2mx]join our Discord community[/url], and [url=https://catcafemanager.com/#newsletter]sign up to our newsletter[/url]! We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback, and hope you are as excited as we are!! Thanks for your support leading up to this moment, it means the world to us! Rick [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roost-games/cat-cafe-manager-2][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/9856e65c26910e617cce2c156658cbc7263c38ad.png[/img][/url] ----------------------------------------- [i]Q: What is a Kickstarter Campaign? A: Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform. 'Crowdfunding' is a way of funding a games project where fans of that project can directly help fund, or 'back', its development. As a thank-you for backing the project, the creator can offer rewards in return, usually a copy of the game, or exclusive in-game goodies. Higher 'tier' backers might also get some more exclusive rewards. Our Kickstarter campaign will last 30 days - which we plan to start in September - and will then need to reach a 'funding goal' set by us. If we reach that goal within 30 days, the funding will be collected and we will use it to make the game. Once development is finished, you will receive a copy of the game, plus any additional items included in your reward package. If we don't make the goal after the 30 day campaign period, your money will not be collected. This way, we can work directly with you, the fans, to fund and shape the game.[/i]