Hi there! We've just launched the [b][url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roost-games/cat-cafe-manager-2]Kickstarter campaign[/url][/b] to help fund Cat Cafe Manager 2's development, and we couldn't be more excited!! ❤️It would help us a lot if you could [b]back the campaign[/b] as soon as you can, as the first hours are the most important! Thanks so much!!❤️ To celebrate, we're launching a little mini-update for Cat Cafe Manager 1! [h3]Introducing: [b]Faeline Lore[/b]![/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/c7a5f6710bb0c436396f36eb124f87c8dbb8bb5b.png[/img] This old repository of ancient lore will [b]significantly raise your cafe's Book Score[/b], which I know has been a tough stat to boost up 'till now! You can purchase Faeline Lore at the [b]Decoration section[/b] of the [b]Furniture Shop[/b]! It's not exactly cheap, but definitely worth it! But what is a [b]Faeline[/b], exactly? In short, they're adorable little feline faeries. They haven't been seen by humans in many years, but cats see and interact with them all the time. Faeline will also feature prominently in the sequel, [b]Cat Cafe Manager 2[/b]! Check out the [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roost-games/cat-cafe-manager-2]Kickstarter page[/url] for more details! [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roost-games/cat-cafe-manager-2][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38402580/90fb46bfb617fcdc5b64f2e4832548e47ed4486e.png[/img][/url] Finally, I want to give a [b]massive thank you[/b] to you, the players of Cat Cafe Manager 1! Without you playing and supporting the game, we never could have started production on a sequel. We're dedicated to make it bigger, better and fluffier without losing the cozy cafe experience you've come to love! ❤️ Again, [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roost-games/cat-cafe-manager-2]please take a look at the Kickstarter[/url], and if you can, help support the development of Cat Cafe Manager 2 by backing. Thanks so much! - Rick (and all of Roost Games