Fixing a bunch of big and small issues in this update, some balance changes, and lastly enhancements in various areas to make the gameplay that much better. Thanks for playing and giving feedback! Hope you enjoy. [b]Balance:[/b] [list] [*] Greatly increased amount of quicklime produced by limestone burn piles [*] Increased generation chance of slime [*] Increased amount of slime oil distilled from slime [*] Reduced material requirements for leaf roof, stone floor and stone walls [*] Reduced burn time of oleander burn pile and made its clearing effect faster [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Hopefully fixed cause of missing terrain chunks that some have reported. Please let me know if you still see it! [*] Fixed oleander burn pile not being destroyed after being burned [*] Fixed UI for oleander burn pile showing an empty "Produces" section [*] Fixed cleared areas of Blight coming back every day. The center of each Blight area needs to be cleared for it to stop growing [*] Fixed oleander burn pile clearing not working properly if the area is unloaded for the duration of the burn [*] Fixed toxic smoke particle effect not factoring in the fog when rendered [*] Updated water generation in newly generated chunks to reduce jagged shorelines [*] Fixed cases of the progress bar in the interaction UI (ex. "chopping...") from disappearing randomly [*] Fixed mid-air projectiles breaking when they are restored after a game load [*] Fixed lake/river container-filling to preserve initial click location when it starts so that mouse movement doesn't interrupt filling when the target point becomes too far [*] Fixed water not being tagged correctly internally which would prevent things like projectiles causing a splash when hitting it, code to check building placement in water not working correctly, and click-to-move mode not working correctly on water [*] Fixed thrown spears flying away too much after hitting the ground [*] Fixed Bloomery collider being too tall to fit under rafters/roof [/list] [b]Performance:[/b] [list] [*] Disabling various physics-based checks for far away objects to slightly reduce CPU load [/list] [b]Visuals:[/b] [list] [*] Reworked UI for active interactions like "chopping..." to look a bit better [/list] [b]Other changes:[/b] [list] [*] Reworked throw attacks to feel a bit better: projectiles are much faster, the max range is a bit further, projectiles get launched at lower angles, and the spear throw animation orients the spear correctly during the throw [*] Reworked interactions in click-once interaction mode to greatly reduce the amount of accidental melee attacks happening when trying to interact with things while holding an axe [*] Allowed posts to be placed in shallow water [*] Added speed-up possibility to the level ground interaction [/list]