A few fairly sizable changes in this update today, multiple save slots per game, and a new attack mode control style in control settings. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40600341/c50c79fb41a3d1a933b6d0cda37d7b23a695afb1.png[/img] [b]All Changes:[/b] [list] [*] Ability to have multiple save slots per unique game. Autosaves are always saved in one specific slot, but you can create any number of your own saves as well. No ability to name the saves yet, but that may come later [*] Fixed a recently discovered bug where save playtime was incorrectly calculated. Many autosaves over the course of a session would cause the playtime to shoot up dramatically for the save file. You may have previously noticed a save displaying quite a few hours of playtime more than Steam shows for the whole game [*] New attack control style in control settings. If you select the new attack mode option, you need to hold down a separate key (default spacebar) to be able to attack with the left mouse button. When the key is held, you no longer can mistakenly interact with objects instead of swinging your axe [*] Fix shade canopy interaction position so it can be built much easier with the hammer [*] Update hide treatment task to make it clear how to obtain salt [*] Make directional stone larger on the cairn [/list]