Another small update to address some recent feedback! Making the rabbit snares a bit nicer to use, clearing up fire pit recipe confusion, and improving game start world generation balance [b]All Changes:[/b] [list] [*] Improve resource distribution near starting area to make game start more balanced across all uniquely generated worlds [*] Rabbit snares can now catch rabbits passively, with a small chance of nearby rabbits walking directly them over time. Will continue to tweak behavior going forward, as well as adding bait ability in the future [*] Add new fire pit recipe messaging - a warning when no cooking surface is present, and a hint to empty the bowl of water before trying to cook meat [*] Opening UI like inventory while character is walking towards an object in click once interaction mode will no longer cause the character to keep moving indefinitely [*] Slow decay rate of all meat items [*] Fix dandelion roots item collider so it doesn't roll around all the time when dropped [/list] [img][/img]