Sawing trees into long planks is now finally possible! Only works for the straight pine trees for now. [img][/img] There was a decently large change with how resource data (like for trees) is stored, save games from v0.3.0 and v0.3.1 may behave strangely, but should generally still be compatible. [b]All changes:[/b] [list] [*] fix crafting queue capping at only two things [*] fix rabbits collision after death, fix dead rabbit rotation being reset incorrectly on game load [*] nicer looking dead creature harvest UI with creature thumbnail image [*] prevent newly generated objects from rolling down slopes at the start of the game [*] added rotten berries and rotten ground meat - more rotten items to come (everything that decays like hides, intestines, etc) [*] ability to saw felled trees, rework how resources are defined internally [*] fix soft clay jug not showing up in hands when equipped [*] fix items changing state (ex. hardening) while being dragged making the item disappear - now the dragging is cancelled when this happens [*] rework sawing animation and sawing sound [/list]