[h2]Hi everyone,[/h2] It's patch day! We have some balancing adjustments for you today, and a new [b]outfit for the Berserker[/b]. You can unlock it with trophies in the Wardrobe. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44182194/ff40e7f61f9212e40463ffcf1295351edfe18db1.png[/img] Backpack Battles is on sale from now until May 5th! If you have not picked the game up yet, now is the perfect time to get it with a [b]10% discount[/b]. Also, Steam has finally [b]verified[/b] Backpack Battles for the Steam Deck! You can play using the touchscreen or simply with controller. Did you find a bug or do you want to talk about the game? Join our [url=https://discord.gg/sbEkqeUKNr]Discord server[/url]! [h2]Patch Notes for 0.9.7[/h2] [list] [*] Added new outfit for the Berserker [/list] [h3]Balancing Changes:[/h3] [h3]Neutral[/h3] [list] [*] Leaf Badge: Cooldown 3s -> 2.5s [*] Skull Badge: Cooldown 2.5s -> 2.2s [*] Flame Badge: Heat 3 -> 4 [*] Blood Harvester: Cost 11g -> 10g [*] VIllain Sword: 11g -> 10g [*] Stone: Cooldown 3s -> 2.7s [*] Falcon Blade: Cooldown 1.8s -> 1.7s [*] Fancy Fencing Rapier: Cooldown 1.3s -> 1.4s [*] Impractically Large Greatsword: Empowered Cooldown / Stamina Cost 2.2 -> 2.0 [*] Lightsaber: Blind 7 -> 8 [*] Divine Potion: Cleanse threshold 20 -> 10 debuffs [*] Ruby Egg: Now also gains 2 Heat start of battle [*] Stone Armor: Health-based Block 30% -> 35% [/list] [h3]Pyromancer[/h3] [list] [*] Burning Banner: Cooldown 3s -> 3.2s [*] Phoenix: Health cost 12 -> 11 [*] Dark Lantern: Debuffs per Dark item 8 -> 9 [*] Frozen Flame: Heat threshold for Cold 7 -> 6 [/list] [h3]Berserker[/h3] [list] [*] Brass Knuckles: Cooldown 2.5s -> 2.6s [*] Shaman Mask: Cooldown 3s -> 3.2s [*] Chain Whip: Cooldown 2.3s -> 2.4s [*] Busted Blade: Cooldown and stamina cost during Battle Rage 2.8 -> 3.0 [*] Dragonscale Armor: Damage reduction 15% -> 13% [*] Deerwood Guardian: Battle Rage bonus duration 0.6s -> 0.8s [*]Anvil: Increased number of * slots by 1 [/list] [h3]Ranger[/h3] [list] [*]Yggdrasil Leaf: Reduced number of * slots by 1 [*] Piercing Arrow: Luck gain chance 40% -> 45% [*] Big Bowl of Treats: Food speed increase 15% -> 20% [*] Carrot: Empower chance 50% -> 55% [*] Belladonna’s Shade: Maximum damage +3 [/list] [h3]Reaper[/h3] [list] [*] Snake: Cooldown 2.5s -> 2.4s [*] Miss Fortune: Cooldown 3s -> 2.5s [*] Nocturnal Lock Lifter: Lifesteal Bonus 8% -> 9% [*] Cauldron: Heal 15 -> 17 [*] Strong Divine Potion: Cleanse threshold 20 -> 10, Cleanse amount 13 -> 10 [*] Strong Vampiric Potion: Lifesteal 20% -> 30% [*] Ruby Chonk: Damage +1 [/list] [h3]Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where a Unique item could appear in shop despite being at Unique limit [/list]