A small patch with fixes, including the materials issue, and some goodies, including the race tubular header art for turbos. [h3]LCV4.2.7 General Fixes & Improvements[/h3] [list][*] Added art for turbo race tubular manifolds [WIP] [*] Added options to custom paints for relative and global texture scaling [*] Remade the V60 MPFI / DI manifolds [*] DRLs now have a toggle button and brightness slider in light controls UI [*] Fixed issues with material / paint selection menus [*] Fixed highlights on top of shiny objects in photoscenes with the overcast time of day [*] Fixed photo scene having excessive bloom by default [*] Fixed balance shaft setting being sticky on changing of engine configurations [*] Fixed the model year not updating the stored engine year which resulted in weird engine years [*] Fixed scaling fixtures along the car axis resulting in a snap to center [*] Fixed car light sliders defaulting to 0, they initialize with a value of 50[/list] We are still hunting for the car fixture merging bug, that is currently highest on our list of priorities. We're aiming for another patch towards the end of the week! Cheers