With this small update we're attacking some of the remaining issues and have a potential fix for one of the largest remaining sources of game crashes. [h3]General Fixes [/h3] [list][*] Possible fix for race condition crash occurring during demographic calculations [*] Fixed various strings in campaign tech tree chart that either were missing or not showing up [*] Fixed chassis, body, and family techpool resetting on facelifts [*] Fixed variant names not automatically populating, causing exporter issues [*] Fixed issue with bad scale of distributor level of detail [*] Fixed airbox art issues [*] Updated safety regulations, Hetvesia now is toughest, Fruinia less so but nuanced Fruinia ups its regs for 1960 when they open the floodgates to Archanan sh!tboxes, while Hetvesia tries to avoid subjecting their citizens to the cardboard builds coming over from Fruinia.[/list] We're keeping an eye on what issues might remain. Cheers!