With this second patch for the Ellisbury Update we are addressing technical problems as well as a wide range of issues affecting gameplay. This should sort out the most noticed issues players have been running into! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8118030/ad9d589afed52e7a03743b80e7d39d4d8503f7c6.png[/img] Winter weather is no match for this custom SUV by [i]OT motive.[/i] [h3]General Fixes[/h3][list] [*] Fixed large memory leaks from opening and calculating cars, improving performance [*] Made rear engine layouts available on ladder frame chassis [*] Tweaked reliability score dependency for demographics, making it weaker [*] Fixed loading screens continuing to load images in the background photo scene [*] Removed grouping commas from numbers in photoscene slider textboxes [*] Fixed AI being able to use more than 15 quality with +15 tech pool [*] Fixed lua error changing bottom end parts, family deselected [*] Fixed lua error on changing tire diameter [*] Fixed rear engine AWD not scaling gearboxes, leading to small rear engines not fitting [*] Fixed issue with excessively narrow tires causing all calculations to break down [*] Fixed Lua error switching engine orientation [*] Fixed mod warning popup is complaining about car mods selecting an engine for a new car [*] Improved image caching so it doesn't spawn a new texture for duplicate materials[/list] [h3]Campaign Fixes[/h3][list] [*] Added 2020 sandbox company techpool and made techpool lerp between the set years [*] Fixed campaign finish screen having incorrect company score [*] Changed step size of cash slider in campaign setup to allow for smaller values [*] Added company valuation breakdown to campaign top bar [*] Fixed not-yet-bought plots adding to company valuation [*] Fixed car and engine factory shift sliders not updating engine/car costs [*] Fixed a lua error setting up new engine factory [*] Fixed sandbox-only race tires showing up in campaign tech tree as unlocks [*] Tweaked difficulty multipliers of HQ countries in campaign setup [*] Added WES button to campaign top bar to show emissions standards [*] Fixed empty no-tooling factory tooling settings showing when tooling it afterwards [*] Fixed factory setup stats not correctly populating on summary / signoff screen[/list] [h3]UI Fixes[/h3][list] [*] Fixed Car Manager list items to now show WES standard for emissions [*] Improved quality slider UI clarity for part unlocks happening [*] Removed header paint slot due to incompatibility with newer, nicer materials and heat system [*] Fixed being unable to transfer cars between sandbox companies [*] Removed pin from top-bar, drop-down markets UI [*] Fixed sandbox tech pool UI locking the car section without a car [*] Fixed engine selection panel not enabling buttons in sandbox if company has no engines [*] Replaced trim graph emissions mode UI with detailed stats fuel economy UI [*] Fixed multi-select trim delete not working in list mode [*] Added disclaimer for interior design feature, or the lack thereof[/list] [h3]Exporter Fixes[/h3][list] [*] Fixed issue with sound configuration in BeamNG exports [*] Fixed setup strings file for exporter [*] Fixed BeamNG glass not exporting transparent anymore [*] Fixed taillights and brake lights not exporting independent of each other [*] Fixed remaining issues with carbon fiber exporting with unwanted tints [*] Improved various tire and suspension related things for exported cars[/list] We'll closely observe if anything else broke, as some pretty heavy underlying changes needed to be made to fix the technical issues. There are a few more items on our list to get done and fixed before moving on to the next big update dev cycle - we'll keep you posted. Cheers!