Hello Artificers! Thanks again to @Vincent and @Murometz for their continued feedback. I still haven't completed all the points, but I'll keep patchin' to get everything in. [h3]Simple Crafting[/h3] With trying to help diagnose some crafting troubles Murometz discovered a rather nasty habit of Simple crafting to flood the rooms with tasks! I managed to see it go from 6 items in the Fabrica to 200 items in under two minutes. Thankfully this has been fixed up for those who still use the Simple crafting system. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44225778/a28d2b5909ce359056b5f491c41fac38be41d700.png[/img] [h3]Wages & Tuition[/h3] This was a silly mistake on my part as I've never tested the Headmaster's + Administration Offices back to back before. It turned out which ever one you opened first grabbed ownership of the Wages or Tuitions tab and never let go making it impossible to tweak these in the tower unless you reloaded the game. With the Steam Deck there was also confusion on being able to edit the Wages + Tuitions as you couldn't even highlight the bars to get the tooltip. To make this more clear I've updated the UI to let you know to upgrade the room to get the feature: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44225778/9058997f78ef5efefe0295d90e9de98c8f16bf51.png[/img] [h3]More Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Controller Support - Order panel should no longer reset row selection when the room is active [*] Controller Support - Editing/Adding roles in the Admin Office should work now with L1/R1 selection [/list] Thanks, as always, for all your feedback! Jason [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44225778/275f272a46ed5cbbe67e9ee0c5924b8b045ae0cb.png[/img]