Alnico Smithery is coming to early access October 25th! Be excited!!! Anyways... Bugs eliminated, stuff added. here's the damage report: [h3]Additions[/h3] [list] [*] Added a little table to hold the anvil [*] Added a lower section to the furnace + shelf [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] The wall on the right side of the screen now extends to the floor [*] Mining conveyor now moves slightly faster [*] Holding a handle now prevents edge-scrolling [*] Edge-scrolling overlay no longer appears if you're in a menu [*] Merchant dialogue now fades away if you're not near him [*] Merchant now grays out items you are too poor to afford [*] Crafting minigame values now display rounded amounts [*] Menu fonts are now slightly more consistently sized [*] Updated the look of the credits page [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Crafting minigame bar sprites properly resized [*] Tutorial now properly tracks rocks mined and crushed [/list] Any and all feedback/bug reports are very appreciated as always. Consider joining the discord community to keep up to date with the game's progress, thanks!